
About us

SMA is a group of healthcare students that looks to the cross as our motivation and heartbeat for compassion towards others.

SMA stands for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They were 3 guys in the Bible who, unlike their contemporaries, would not compromise living for God when they were commanded to bow down and honour something else as god. When they were thrown into a fiery furnace as a consequence, God rescued them without a hair even being singed!

This story tells us how God shows Himself to be powerful over all and truly worthy to be God in our lives, and we can trust Him and obey what He says even when it clashes with other opinions, expectations and wants in our lives.

You can read more about the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the biblical book of Daniel.

We hold year group fellowship meetings, dinners, camps, and other events with the aim to support each other and share this great news with others.

So whether you are a Christian, or whether you’re just looking for answers, get involved with SMA!